Thursday, July 15, 2010

I challenge you!

Okay, so I have a challenge for you. My challenge is that you, along with me, take one hour per day to de-clutter your homes. I say one hour and one hour only per day. The reason for this is that if you do more than one hour you will get tired of doing it after a day or two and then it would be easy to give up. Over the first week you will see enough progress to encourage you to continue. Let me suggest to you that it be the same time everyday. My time will be from 3:30 to 4:30. I will post some pictures along my journey to organization and clutter free living. I look forward to next month when, I suspect, my house will have a much different feel. Remember, even if you are “on a roll” with de-cluttering and organizing stop when your hour is up! This is extremely hard for me to do but it is worth it. My strategy is to tackle one room at a time. My first task in my home is to finish Conner's room. It should take me a few days and then on to the school room. These will be the ones that I will for sure show pictures! They will be the most drastic changes. I need those finished soon! I am in my 3rd week of school and I can't really use the school room yet. Hopefully Conner will be sleeping in his room this time next week. Let me know if you are going to join with me! The great thing about having a particular hour set aside every day is that once the de-cluttering is done you can move on to other home projects.


  1. Good morning, Candace. Just yesterday a friend of mine (an online friend) and I decided that we were going to declutter a minimum of 20 things a day from our homes. She is going to have the decluttering done by noon and my plan is to have the decluttering done before I do anything with Facebook or email.

    We got thinking that when we are camping or staying in a hotel we are so much better at housekeeping. The place is so tidy, but once we are home our skill disappears! So we want to minimize enough in our home that it feels like we can handle the stuff in it.

  2. Wow, like what you've done with your blog (change the name!) and I would like to join your challenge too, but I'm thinking that I can only do one day a week. You've inspired me (along with Becky and LaDonna's influences) to get with the plan!
